十大靠谱网赌平台 puts the health and 安慰 of every single person that walks in through our front doors at the very top of our priority list. 你是不是来做检查的, 要手术, or seeing a loved one—your health and 安慰 is the most important thing in the world to us. 我们的设施是最先进的, 我们的十大靠谱网赌平台和员工都是各自领域的专家, and every one of us that comes in to our facilities for work each day are here to help you.
The grounds of the hospital and the greater Oneida area have many options for the visitor or patient to make your time with us as enjoyable as ones situation allows. 让我们打破一些规则, 设施, 还有你在这里逗留期间应该记住的商店.
主校区位于纽约州奥奈达的5号公路旁. The address that you can put into your GPS is 杰内西街321号, 奥内达,纽约州13421.
十大靠谱网赌平台 is a 101-bed acute care hospital and 160-bed extended-care facility and short-term rehab facility licensed by the State of New York. Our large campus houses state-of-the-art technology and healthcare professionals with the know-how needed to keep you and your loved ones on your feet and healthy.
- Visitor parking is designated directly across the street from the main entrance or in the “handicap” spaces adjacent to the main entrance circle (with appropriate authorization).
- Emergency and same-day surgery 病人’ parking is in the designated “patient/ED” or “handicap” parking spaces (with appropriate authorization).
- Patient drop-off and pick-up are at the main entrance (circular drive).
There are a few things that we have to do to make sure everything runs smoothly and that your time at 十大靠谱网赌平台 is as good for you as possible. Below we will go over everything from admission information to photography, and our scent policy.
Your personal information is strictly confidential; we do not distribute your information to anybody outside of our staff. We collect this information to allow our staff and security to be aware of who you are and what your needs may be. 你需要带些什么?
- 附有相片的身份证明表格(即. 驾照、护照、身份证等.)
- 健康保险信息
- 药物和剂量清单
- 过敏和其他特殊医疗需求的清单
The New York State Health Care Proxy Law allows you to appoint someone you trust to make health care decisions in your stead should you lose the ability to make decisions on your own behalf. These proxies can be a family member or close friend with whom you can confidently place your well-being in their hands.
请 不 bring the following items into the hospital when being admitted:
- 贵重文件或文件
- 香味个人护理产品
- 有感情价值的物品、珠宝或昂贵的衣服
- 大量现金
- 酒精饮料或毒品
- Large electronics, radios, or plug-in appliances unless otherwise approved by staff
Based on CDC and Department of Health guidance, our visitation is limited due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎. 请浏览我们的 新型冠状病毒肺炎访客应对计划 对于我们当前访问指南的最新信息.
We try very hard to make navigating the healthcare system as easy as possible for you and your loved ones. We provide information about the price of medical services we provide, 以及我们参加的健康计划和名字, 数字, and billing contact information of our contracted/affiliated providers. 请 read our Patient Financial Policy or for further questions about your bill, 请与我们的 客服部 at 315-361-2087 between the hours of 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday through Friday.
We conduct regular fire drills and you may experience one during your hospital stay or visit. 当你听到火警警报时,请回到你的房间. We will inform you should any action become necessary beyond simply staying in your room. 如果你 are in the Hospital 自助餐厅, please stay there until the all-clear signal is given. Elevators must not be used when there is a fire or a fire drill.
校园里绝对不允许吸烟. 这是为了你的安全和病人的健康. 如果你 would like to quit and want more information about smoking cessation classes, 拨打315-361-2075或拨打315-624-5371拨打“三县退出”.
请不要用香水, 须后水, 香味发胶, 使用洗手液, 婴儿乳液, 除臭, 等. 公众中有越来越多的人过敏, 病人, 还有员工,这是为了他们的健康, 安慰, 和安全. 谢谢你的合作.
Out of respect for the privacy and dignity of our 病人 and staff, 禁止摄影和录像.
为方便游客,我们设有自动取款机. There is one in the café area and another located just outside of the elevator on the first floor.
The cafeteria is open from 7:00 am – 6:30 pm at the Station Break Café & 烧烤. Hot and cold food is available in several vending machines around campus 24 hours a day as well. 他们可以在咖啡厅外面的一楼找到, 在三楼摇篮曲中心附近, 在四楼的候诊室.
如果你, 或者是我们所爱的人, are looking to spiritual or religious consultation during your or their stay we recommend that you contact your religious/spiritual leader prior to a prolonged stay with us. 随时待命的神职人员在紧急情况下随时待命. Volunteer Chaplin services are available for 病人 and families and our Chapel is located just inside the main entrance.
Patient rooms are equipped with free WiFi, telephones (for local calls), and televisions.
如果你有听力障碍,需要手语翻译, please let us know so we can supply you with the means to communicate with staff and receive the best care possible! We also provide interpretation services for non-English speaking 病人. All communication services are free of charge and your privacy will be fully maintained.
如果你 are driving from more than a stone’s throw away and will be in need of lodging, the Oneida area has a good selection of places for you to stay whether it’s just for a night, 或者是好几天.
- 德拉诺出租车:(315)697-3237
- 绿色的士: (315) 708-9654
- 克林顿出租车公司:(315)853-3355